Online Workshop

The Art and Science of Chip Making: A Semiconductor Workshop

A deep dive into the art and science of semiconductor chip making.  Workshop’s primary objective is to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of semiconductors that goes beyond what you find in textbooks. Whether you’re curious about semiconductors, the semiconductor ecosystem, or the process of chip fabrication, this workshop is perfect for you. Join us on this fun and interactive learning journey where we promise to deliver content that will leave you craving for more knowledge.


Online/ Virtual


2 Days


16th-17th September


5 pm onwards

What will you Learn?

Essential fundamentals to grasp the semiconductor ecosystem.

Basics of semiconductor device manufacturing.

A starting point for delving deeper into the captivating world of semiconductors

Who will Benefit

Undergraduate students can establish a strong foundation in semiconductors

Master's and Ph.D. students can expand their knowledge of the semiconductor industry

Semiconductor enthusiasts can kickstart their journey and explore this fascinating field

What you will Get?

Essential fundamentals to grasp the semiconductor ecosystem.

Basics of semiconductor device manufacturing.

Certificate of Paticipation


Our instructors are experts from esteemed institutions such as IIT Bombay and IIT Delhi. The course content has been developed under the guidance of professionals from leading organizations like TSMC and Adani Solar, who possess extensive experience in the semiconductor industry. 

Workshop Contents
First Session
Second Session
Third Session
Fourth Session

First Session (Day-1)

From Vacuum Tubes to Silicon Revolution

Mathematics to Logic: Unleashing the Power of Transformation 

The Birth of the transistor: 1947 and Beyond  

The Birth of the Transistor: Pioneering Breakthroughs 

Second Session (Day-1)

Unveiling the Semiconductor Ecosystem 
Journey Through Semiconductor Industry Segments 
Secrets of Semiconductor Manufacturing and Foundries Revealed 

Third Session (Day-2)

Introduction to Semiconductor Fabrication Technology   

How Semiconductor Chips Are Crafted: A Fascinating Process 

Ensuring Excellence: Testing, Characterization, and Yield Analysis 

Fourth Session (Day-2)

Exciting Career Paths in the Semiconductor Industry 
Embrace the Future: Emerging Roles and Job Market Trends 
Network and Connect: Industry Professionals Await You 
Panel Discussion

Our panellists, representing diverse sectors, will discuss chip design, fabrication techniques, materials innovation, and the impact of skilled workforce in the sector. Join us for an interactive session, networking opportunities, and valuable insights to stay ahead in this dynamic industry. Let’s unlock the secrets and unleash the potential of semiconductor chip manufacturing together. 

Registration Fees

Early Bird Registration (Last Date 05th September)

Students (UG, PG) – ₹1299 ₹999 

Research Scholars – ₹1799 ₹1499 

Industry Professionals – ₹2499 ₹1999

After Early Bird (06th September onwards)

Students (UG, PG) – ₹1299 

Research Scholars – ₹1799 

Industry Professionals – ₹2499

Join us today and unlock the secrets of the semiconductor world! Enrol in the workshop to embark on an exciting learning adventure.